Thursday 4 September 2014

How to use your SMS Marketing Campaign to Increase Customer Value...

When creating text messages for customer engagement, it is essential to create messages that will appeal specifically to each single customer. This can be a difficult task: nearly every customer wants something different, yet the aim is to make them all feel special and valued. By tailoring text messages to individuals, businesses have a better shot at attracting new customers through word of mouth referrals while keeping existing clients satisfied.

A starting point to to do this quickly and easily is to undertake ‘list segmentation.’ List segmentation entails dividing clients into separate groups based on any number of factors. Each group will share common demographics by which they’re filtered, such as: age, location, buying behaviour, or history with the company. All of these shared aspects give companies an idea of how to market to these groups, thereby allowing marketers to create unique messages for each group in order to give the customers a personalised feeling when reading the text message.
Here are a few points you should stick to in order to ensure your personalised SMS marketing campaign is successful:
1) Ensure you separate prospects from current customers
Existing customers do not want to be treated as prospects, and if they receive messages which treat them as prospects, this may cause customer defection. For example, existing customers may be upset if they see an introductory deal that is better than the one they were originally offered. The two groups should be addressed and rewarded differently. First-time offer deals go to new clients, while special VIP loyalty discounts go to existing customers.
2) Cater to your biggest clients
Create a segment for the big spenders, particularly if they are purchasing ten times more than the average customer. Decide on particular metrics to determine at which point a customer becomes a “big spender” and be sure to add them to this segment. Develop messages that will reciprocate their loyalty: give them platinum status that includes perks like gifts or free shipping. Listen carefully to the needs of these clients, and show them special appreciation. These are the customers you inevitably want to keep on board!
3) Revive relationships with inactive clients
Be aware of which customers haven’t engaged with or purchased from the brand for at least 6 months. In this segment, create a special message to lure these one-time clients into a new relationship. Invent a reactivation campaign that will act as an incentive to these specific clients to reactivate their relationship with the company.
4) Pay attention to habits and behaviour
Segment clients by spending habits, and previous business with the brand. Continue to offer them relevant follow-up deals or upsell items. Also, segment lists according to click-through habits, separating out clients by the particular messages and links that appeal to them. Segments should be updated regularly, as user data continuously changes. Consider which campaigns are superior to others, and constantly access the strengths and weaknesses of different campaigns.
By using these tactics, you are sure to see a rise in the success of your SMS marketing campaign.

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